Police have confirmed that another motor vehicle theft has occurred in the town.

A Ford Fiesta car was stolen from Gogo Street on April 17. It was the second vehicle theft in eight days in the town, after another was removed from the Largs seafront car park on April 9.

Officers reported earlier that Ford vehicles were frequently targeted in the area.

It’s believed that the theft may be the latest example of criminals using high-tech scanning software to bypass cars’ keyless entry systems.

Sergeant Donald Fisher, from Police Scotland, told members of Largs Community Council that the latest incident is part of a “worrying trend” of vehicle thefts happening across the UK.

He said police believe that the thieves used a car which had been stolen from the Glasgow area to gain access to the car park, before making off with the second vehicle.

However Sgt Fisher reassured the community council that no further incidents have since been reported, and said that the information from the latest incident was being filtered into the national system which is attempting to combat the issue.

Sergeant Fisher said he recommended using ‘Faraday pouches’, which block the wireless signal from the fob of a car with a keyless entry system.

The latest incidents come after a spate of similar vehicle thefts in the town in 2023.

Vehicles in Walkerston Avenue, Mackerston Place and Greenock Road were all stolen in the space of a few weeks earlier last year.

A business van was also stolen from the back of Largs and was eventual recovered at an industrial site in Greenock.